Google is currently building data centers in north east Alabama as well as Tennessee, and to power these centers Google will be purchasing the output from two of the largest solar farms. These solar farms will help Google's data centers to be powered by clean renewable solar energy since day one.
The solar farm for Alabama will be located in Hollywood near Scottsboro, while the farm for Tennessee will be located in Yum Yum which is near Memphis. The data centers that are being built are located in Bridgeport which is in northeast Alabama as well as Clarksville, Tenn. Each solar farm will produce about 150 megawatts.
Google said in a statement. “Google’s data centers are the engines of the Internet, and we are committed to maintaining 100 percent renewable energy and achieving carbon-free energy around the clock for the operation of these facilities. This milestone solar energy deal with TVA perfectly reflects this strategic commitment. These renewable energy projects represent good news for Google and for the Tennessee Valley region.”
The total amount of solar energy that Google will be purchasing to power its data centers will be 413 megawatts. In order to produce this much output a total of 1.6 million solar panels are needed! To put that into perspective that is the equivalent to 65,000 home roof solar systems! IF you would like to check out the original article head over to https://www.al.com/news/2019/01/google-plans-largest-solar-farms-in-alabama-tennessee.html to give it a read.