New City, NY
On December 03, 2018 the Environment America Research & Policy Center published a news report stating that by putting solar panels on every home new home in 2020 the U.S.A could triple its solar capacity by the year 2045. The same report also stated that this policy would cut current annual carbon dioxide emissions that are produced from generation of energy by by more than 9% by the year 2045.
The best time to install solar panels is when the workers are already working on the roof. “Generating renewable energy from our rooftops helps homeowners and their communities, reducing both electric bills and pollution.”said Bret Fanshaw, Go Solar Campaign director with Environment America Research & Policy Center.
In May, California became the first state to propose that all new homes have solar panels. This policy would go into effect in 2020. The state energy commission estimates that this policy would
save homeowners $19,000 in energy costs over the course of a standard 30 year mortgage. The California building commission still needs to meet and review the proposal.
Abi Bradford, policy analyst and report co-author with Frontier Group stated that “The new National Climate Assessment makes it clear that we need to stop burning fossil fuels as soon as possible, and solar energy is key to that transition,” Abi Bradford also said that “Installing solar panels on all new homes could add more solar energy capacity than the entire country currently has installed—including utility-scale installations—in just six years from 2020 to 2026.”
If you wish to read more about this check out the original article written by Kelsey Misbrener at https://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2018/12/united-states-could-triple-solar-power-capacity-by-2045-new-homes/
It's amazing that as soon as 2020 California will be placing into effect their policy for all new homes to have solar. I think it's a great idea and will saving many homeowners money.