Commercial Solar Panels Installation
Commercial solar panel installations for flat roofs, metal roofs and ground mount installations. Full turnkey solutions from Integrity Solar Solutions including electrical work, roof work and engineering plans and stamped sets.

Residential Solar Panel Installation
Full and complete solar installation. Integrity Solar Solutions handles the process from start to finish including permitting, inspections, testing, utility paperwork, rebate paperwork and tax credit paperwork.

Tree work and tree trimming can be part of going solar. This type of project can be included in the clean energy program. We can estimate which tree would need to be removed or trimmed to make the home good for solar panels and would greatly increase sun exposure.

Tree Work
Tree work and tree trimming can be part of going solar. This type of project can be included in the clean energy program. We can estimate which tree would need to be removed or trimmed to make the home good for solar panels and would greatly increase sun exposure.